wcrc skyhawks

What Our Club Offers
We normally hold two special Fly-In’s a year. Vistors and Spectators are always welcome when the gates are open and a member is present. For Vistors and Spectators there is never a charge. Club members have 24/7 access 365 days a year.
Flight Training
We offer “Free Training” on Tuesday evenings during the Spring, Summer, and Fall. This training is available March through October. We supply all the equipment , Transmitter and plane to help you explore the wonderful wonders of flight. Our AMA charter allows us to train you prior to joining our club and allows our insurance to cover you for a period of time. Try it, we think you will love it!

Education (STEM)
There is more to aviation than just flying a plane. We have a “Hands On Approach” to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics, (STEM), and aviation is emerged in it all. You will learn a lot from our seasoned Flight Instructors. It’s not boring at all, especially with our “Hands On Approach” Try it, it’s free and you will be amazed at how quick you learn the basics of flying. You’ll be Airborne day one!

Family Orienated Atmosphere
This is a hobby that the entire family can enjoy. We have husbands and spouses that fly R/C planes. We have daughters and sons who also enjoying a beautiful day of flying. We all have the fear of what others may think of our abilities, but we all make mistakes and have mishaps. We all have made them and still do from time to time. But you can be assured we are all excited and encouraged to see you fly.

What Is The Minium Age To Fly At WCRC?
The minium age depends on each individuals abilities and parental participation. We’ve had children training as young as six years old.
Does WCRC Provide Flight And Pilot Training?
Yes, we provide training “Free of Charge”. Our free training is available in the Spring, Summer and Fall. WCRC’s normal “Free Training” is available March through October on Tuesday evenings weather permitting.
Is It Mandatory To Go Through WCRC's Training Program?
The Answer is Yes and No. If you are a beginner and have little to no training, then “Yes” you must go through our training program for many reasons, safety being the priority. However, if you are new to the area or have prior R/C flight experience then the answer is “No”, but you will need to be signed off in order to fly at WCRC. This involves showing your ability to” Take-off and Land safely”. This must be approved by one of our Flight Instructors before you are allowed to fly at WCRC, per WCRC and AMA rules for safety and insurance purposes.
Can I Fly At WCRC Without Being A WCRC Club Member?
The short answer is “Yes”. You can fly at WCRC when we have a Fly-In for a small Landing Fee. This fee is charged at the Fly-In for all R/C Pilots flying, including WCRC Members. Non Fly-Ins at WCRC you must be an AMA member and be a guest of one of our current WCRC members, you are alotted six free seperate visits to decide if this is the club for you.
Note: An active AMA membership is required for everyone including club members to fly at WCRC.
What Is The AMA?
Academy of Model Aeronautics is the world’s largest non-profit model aviation organization. AMA provides insurance to all it’s members and chartered clubs and provides a host of other benefits. An active AMA membership is required for everyone flying at WCRC including club members.
Is WCRC Reconized By The FAA?
WCRC is approved as a FAA -Reconized Identification Area, (FRIA). This means that you as a member of WCRC’s Flying Club can fly your plane, drone or helicopter at WCRC’s Flying Field without needing a Remote Identification module in your plane, drone or helicopter.
Note: The FAA refers to all aircraft as Unmanned Aircraft. You need not apply we have been approved by the FAA. Want to know more about FRIA click the HERE,
When Are Club Membership Dues Paid And Are They Prorated?
WCRC club dues are due on June 1st. and are good through May 31st. of the following year, 12 months in total. “Yes”, Our club dues are prorated and we have a spreadsheet on our website that allows you to fill in your current information and it will give you the prorated amount due to become a club member.
Are The Club Dues The Same Price For All Seeking Membership?
The short answer is “NO”. Our membership is mainly based on the age of the person seeking membership and is catergorized as such. Family Membership, Adult Membership, Senior Membership, Documented Disabled Membership, Youth Membership and Auxiliary Non-Flying Membership. With the above categories the price ranges from $15.00 to $150.00 a year. The indepth information can be found on our website under the Application Tab.
Is There An Initiation Fee Added To A Membership?
The answer is “YES” and “NO”. For a person who is not renewing their membership the answer is “YES”, a one time initiation fee of $25.00 is added to the Membership dues. For a current member renewing their membership the answer is “NO”.
In short, for current Members Renewing their Membership, Youth Membership and Auxiliary Non-Flying Membership there is “NO” initiation fee.
The indepth information can be found on our website under the Application Tab.
What Are WCRC Hours Of Operation?
WCRC Members have access to the clubs facilities 24/7 and can enjoy its benefits 365 days a year.
Visitors and Spectators are welcome anytime the gates are open and a current member is present.
Does WCRC Have Regular Scheduled Business Meetings and Events?
Yes, we hold a business meeting every third Monday of each month. This meeting is held at Carolina Fine Food in Simpsonville, SC.
We do hold an average of two special Fly-In events a year usually one in the Spring and one in the Fall.
I'm Ready To Join, What Do I Need To Do?
First, you will need to join AMA this is a requirment to become a member of WCRC. You will not be able to complete the Application without it. See AMA’s Website Click Here.
Second, fill out WCRC’s Application, located on our website under the Application Tab.
Third, pay your WCRC Membership Dues via Check or by our Donate Button (PayPal) and in the PayPal comment section type in Club Dues.

Joe Duncan

Mark Sumner
Vice President

Steven Bayne

Gary Livingston

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